Modern Japanese Ceramics Pottery Contemporary

By Appointment is best. You might get lucky just popping by, but a great deal of the month I am out visiting artists or scouring up new items, so days in the gallery are limited.

Contemporary Shino Chawan by Kobayashi Takeharu

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Directory: Artists: Ceramics: Pottery: Bowls: Contemporary: Item # 1500312

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Modern Japanese Ceramics
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23 Murasakino Monzen-cho, Kita-ward Kyoto 603-8216
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A beautifully rendered tea bowl with thick sides covered in crimson tinged glaze blotted with patches of snow white by veteran Mino pottery Kobayuashi Takeharu (born 1943) enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled simply Shino Chawan. It is 13 cm (just over 5 inches) diameter, 9 cm (3-1/2 inches) tall and in perfect condition.